Homeoprophylaxis Supervision (HP)
HP is a method of homeopathy that educates the body’s immune system for specific illnesses. If you are interested in HP for your child/children, or yourself, I highly recommend reading Kate Birch’s book The Solution and visiting the website https://freeandhealthychildren.org/, prior to scheduling.
HP Informational Visit:
Not sure which path to take? Come and ask questions and review all options. In this visit we look at over all health of the individual, discuss all available options for educating the immune system, look at clinical results and experience, and family health history, to help you make more informed choices for your family’s health.
60 minutes
HP Client In-Take Visit:
This appointment is for clients ready to begin an individualized HP program. All paperwork must be completed and returned to me PRIOR to the visit. Please email when you have scheduled, and I will send you the paperwork. Once this visit is complete, and paperwork is in order, we order the kit and you get started. See below for fees for the HP program.
60 minutes
Standard HP Supervision - 4 years
$300 for the first child, $100 for any other children
HP Kit (required, but not included)
booklet(s) 1 per child (required, but not included)